Saturday, January 30, 2010

Re: Perilex Polo Shirt... Latest Info..

Assalamualaikum Perilexz
Went to discuss sal harga nya...
Previous harga was $25 (shirt + woven bag)
New Details:
Quantity: 10 - 14 : $24
Quantity: 15 - 20 : $23
Quantity below: 10 : $25
and the woven bag nda jdi....sal harga $2 atu valid utk buat 100 pieces or nda pyah lah..
so krg ptg jmpa d ubd...sabtu 30th January 2010
sila bawa duit anda utk pembayaran...
insyallah, lau nda ada apa2 nya....d bju will siap in 2 weeks
thank u..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Re: Perilex Polo Shirt...Jadi kh Nda kh?

Assalamualaikum Perilexz...
I need a confirmation sapa yg jdi buat baju / sapa yg nda jdi buat baju..
cause i ned to count number of people yg mau buat or not...
pls contact myslf (amp) or we meet dz sat during street soccer d ubd
ur cooperation/attendance is highly appreciated
so final decision will depend dz sat lah...
Thank You
Perilex Polo Shirt : $23
Perilex Woven Bag (Black) : $2
Total : $25
prize given vallid for 15 - 20 pieces
(so lau krg dri 15 pieces...there will b a slight change on d prize)
Thank You again..
jadi kh ndakh? entah entah
apakn?! garu2 kapala mcm aman hahahaha

Monday, January 25, 2010

Re: Perilex Polo Shirt...Mbgi takut eh...

"APA NIE?...HELANG!!! bukann........burung pipit..."
Qoute from: Munap
Assalamualaikum Perilexz...
Just to inform u guys..we went to aewon las sat sal bju tni..
PRIZE: $25/shirt
so, atas arahan org mbgi takut datas atu,
regarding of payment, sila beri kerjasama...
membayar tidak lewat dri 31 January...
(hari sabtu dpn byar dah...time main street)
Payday kli ah...buleh...

and for those yg alum menempah...sila contact either
as usual gtau kmi
size bju (men/women fitting)
name to be printed
quantity (brapa kmu mau)
terima kasih
Wssalamualaikum :)
p/s: Colour bju utk laki2 (Black, White and Red)
Colour bju utk bini2 (Black, White and Red/Pink)
chow chin chow...burung pipit......

89th anniversary of the RBAF....

...U R in my focus...hehe..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Perilexz Polo Shirt

Assalamualaikum PerilexZ~~
Here you go...plan to go to aewon and make the polo shirt..
for those yg mau....please leave ur statements in the comment box..
all i need...are the followings:

name to be printed
ur size
quantity u want...

the prize will be inform again
p it will be around $25 - $30

Thank You...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pesta cucul-cuculan@JP.......

~you are in my focus~hehe...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 4



Day 3

Sunway Lagoon n Sungei wang...Checked!!!


Day 2

Masjid india n KLCC..checked!!!


KL-Day 1(Arrival)..Checked!!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Born to Backpack~~

Kuala Lumpur..hmm... Checked!!~

Stay tune~
